Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Welcome to America (Part 2): Land of the Free

This post is the second in a three part series based on the song "Welcome to America" by the Christian rapper Lecrae. The song's three verses are all told from the viewpoint of a different person. The second verse is through the eyes of a solider. With that being said, this second post will focus on the freedom we have in America thanks to our military and how many Americans are ignorant to the sacrifices many make for them.

Over a million Americans serve their country through active duty in the military (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013). Through every tour thousands and thousands risk their lives for the safety of their country and for the well being of people all around the world. They leave their families and friends for months at a time. They leave the comforts of their home to go to a land they've probably never been to before. They serve their country well.

In addition, millions more are affected by the absence of those million serving through active duty. Their husbands or wives are without their loved ones for months at a time. Those who have children must act as single parents for the time being all the while praying and hoping for the safe return of their spouse. Children give up their mommies and daddies for months while they serve their country. Some children never see their mommies or daddies again. At the same time, mothers and fathers wait in anticipation. Brothers and sisters write letters. Friends mark their calendars for the day their friend will be back home again. Those in the military and those with family and friends in the military sacrifice so much.

Do we ever stop to realize how much? We cannot let Veterans Day be enough. It's not. We should live our lives in constant gratitude for the freedom we have and the reasons why we have it.

We should recognize that many men and women who return from the military have struggles when they come home too. They have missed out on so much while they were away. Some miss the birth of their children, their children's first words, their sister's graduation, their grandparent's funeral, their dad's surgery, and so much more. Not only are they trying to catch up on all they missed but they also have to start on the difficult journey of finding a job. In addition, many suffer from depression, PTSD, and some even have suicidal thoughts. One in five veterans of the Iran and Afghanistan wars suffered from PTSD (CBO, 2012). One third of Vietnam Veterans suffered in the same way. Suicide rates of veterans are double that of the general population (Veteran Affairs, 2012). It is estimated 22 veterans commit suicide every single day (VA, 2012).

Its time we start realizing the true cost of our freedom and work to help veterans around us who may need a helping hand. Next time you read the paper (freedom of press), go by a school (freedom of education), or enter a church (freedom of religion) remember the price of your freedom and be grateful for it. It wasn't free. Everything worth having is worth fighting for. We don't all fight for freedom but we all reap the benefits. Today and always thank those who have fought for us.

"I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the U.S.A."
- "Proud To Be An American"


  • Here is a video of those in the military returning home. (Helpful Hint: grab tissues - you may need them)
  • There is an organization called Beyond the Yellow Ribbon which is dedicated to helping veterans and their families. For more information go to their website.

Here is the second verse of "Welcome to America" by Lecrae:

"Man, I’d die for America
I served my time for America
Got shot, shot back, went to war, got back and ain’t nobody give a jack in America
I could've lost my life, boy, I lost my wife
I can’t even get right in my home land
Cold sweats, hold tecs, paranoid looking out for a threat in my own land
I was trained in America
How'd they get up in them planes in America?
Flew them right into the buildings
Taking out civilians
People getting killed in America?
And I’m still in America
Though America ain’t feeling me
I went to war for this Country
Turned around came home and you drillin' me?
When y’all free here saying you don’t wanna be here
Well, you probably could breathe here
If I didn’t load a couple magazines here
Y’all just complain in America
I’m jumping out of military planes from America
Aye I was made in America
That's why I’m out here saving America
I got a brother in the cemetery now
Cause he wanted y’all safe
And everybody want the freedom but nobody want to hear about face!
We bled for America
To keep y’all fed in America
But whats the point of talking a lot of y’all don’t really even care America"

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